Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Outline for Adhd

I. What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- a common behavior disorder that affects one in 15-20 school-age children. Boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with it than girls, but there is no clear reason yet why more boys than girls are diagnosed with it. It is broken down into three subtypes: an inattentive type, with signs that include: * inability to pay attention to details or a tendency to make careless errors in schoolwork or other activities * difficulty with sustained attention in tasks or play activities * apparent listening problems * difficulty following instructions * problems with organization avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort * tendency to lose things like toys, notebooks, or homework * distractibility * forgetfulness in daily activities 2. a hyperactive-impulsive type, with signs that include: * fidgeting or squirming * difficulty remaining seated * excessive running or climbing * difficulty playing quietly * always see ming to be â€Å"on the go† * excessive talking * blurting out answers before hearing the full question * difficulty waiting for a turn or in line * problems with interrupting or intruding 3. a combined type, which involves a combination of the other two types and is the most common A. Symptoms: impulsive, hyperactive, short attention span, trouble focusing, symptoms are present over a long period of time and occur in different settings, problems finishing tasks, disorganized, trouble following directions, easily distracted, appear forgetful or careless and frequently misplace things. 1. Explain similarities/differences of ADD and ADHD: Similarities: attention span is short, trouble controlling their behavior without medication and behavioral therapy, appear bored. Differences: ADD- attention deficit without hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD- includes hyperactivity and impulsiveness. . ex of characteristics in boys: hyperactive/impulsive behavior, rough behavior b. ex of characteristics in girls: inattentive, forgetful, hyper-talkative, emotional hyper-reactive c. why it is harder to spot ADD/ADHD in girls than boys: girls are harder to spot because the criteria for spotting ADHD includes external behavioral characteristics such as aggression, defiance, and other behavioral management problems, which are more common in boys than in girls. Girls with ADHD tend to be shy, socially isolate themselves, driven or anxious, or over-focused on their studies B. How is ADHD diagnosed? There is no test that can determine whether a child has ADHD or not, just a complete evaluation. A primary care physician or the family pediatrician usually prescribes medication in the lowest dose form and does medication checks every month to see if the current dose is helping or if an increase is needed. Most of the time if there is no change at the current dose being taken, the physician increases the dose each month until adverse side effects start to be seen in the child, than a decrease in dosage happens until changes for the benefit of the child are noticed by the parent and the teachers. If there is any doubt a referral to a child psychologist or psychiatrist may be needed for further evaluation. To be considered for a diagnosis of ADHD: * a child must display behaviors from one of the three subtypes before age 7 * these behaviors must be more severe than in other kids the same age * the behaviors must last for at least 6 months * the behaviors must occur in and negatively affect at least two areas of a child's life (such as school, home, day-care settings, or friendships). The physician does a complete physical exam to rule out any other medical problems. 1. Adult Observations: Parents are asked to fill out a behavioral evaluation form that contains different behaviors in different settings and the strengths and weaknesses of their child. If there is a day-care provider, teacher, or any other family member or friend who spends time with the child evaluations are sent to them. The physician looks over all the completed evaluation, and then talks it over with an approved child psychologist with the permission of the parent, and then the physician, psychologist, parent and child all come together and talk about possible treatment options. a. Teachers – even HS teachers need to be aware of it nd/or learn how to spot it in high-schoolers and even other ages of children. ADHD can go undiagnosed for years. Some kids outgrow it others struggle with it even into high-school and through adulthood. b. Medical Examination II. What causes ADHD? It has biological origins that aren’t quite understood. There isn’t a single cause but researches are looking at a combination of factors such as genetics, environmental, chemical imbalances in the brain. II. How is ADHD treated? Can’t be cured but can be successfully managed. III. Stimulants are the best-known treatments — they've been used for more than 50 years in the treatment of ADHD. Some require several doses per day, each lasting about 4 hours; some last up to 12 hours. Possible side effects include decreased appetite, stomachache, irritability, and insomnia. There's currently no evidence of long-term side effects. IV. Nonstimulants were approved for treating ADHD in 2003. These appear to have fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours. V. Antidepressants are sometimes a treatment option; however, in 2004 the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning that these drugs may lead to a rare increased risk of suicide in children and teens. If an antidepressant is recommended for your child, be sure to discuss these risks with your doctor. Medications can affect kids differently, and a child may respond well to one but not another. When determining the correct treatment, the doctor might try various medications in various doses, especially if your child is being treated for ADHD along with another disorder. A. Medication 1. Medication can be very beneficial a. All kids should have the option of being treated because it can significantly help their ability to focus/concentrate and reach their full potential B. Types of Medication 1. Stimulants a. benefits b. negative aspects . Non Stim/Herbal Remedies a. benefits b. negative aspects 3. Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral Therapy Research has shown that medications used to help curb impulsive behavior and attention difficulties are more effective when combined with behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy attempts to change behavior patterns by: * reorganizing a child's home and school environment * giving clear directions and commands * setting up a system of consistent rewards for appropriate behaviors and negative consequences for inappropriate ones Here are examples of behavioral strategies that may help a child with ADHD: * Create a routine. Try to follow the same schedule every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Post the schedule in a prominent place, so your child can see what's expected throughout the day and when it's time for homework, play, and chores. * Get organized. Put schoolbags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so your child will be less likely to lose them. * Avoid distractions. Turn off the TV, radio, and computer games, especially when your child is doing homework. * Limit choices. Offer a choice between two things (this outfit, meal, toy, etc. , or that one) so that your child isn't overwhelmed and overstimulated. Change your interactions with your child. Instead of long-winded explanations and cajoling, use clear, brief directions to remind your child of responsibilities. * Use goals and rewards. Use a chart to list goals and track positive behaviors, then reward your child's efforts. Be sure the goals are realistic (think baby steps rather than overnight success). * Discipline effectively. Instead of yelling or spanking, use timeouts or removal of privileges as consequences for inappropriate behavior. Younger kids may simply need to be distracted or ignored until they display better behavior. * Help your child discover a talent. All kids need to experience success to feel good about themselves. Finding out what your child does well — whether it's sports, art, or music — can boost social skills and self-esteem. a. benefits b. negative aspects Alternative Treatments Currently, the only ADHD therapies that have been proven effective in scientific studies are medications and behavioral therapy. But your doctor may recommend additional treatments and interventions depending on your child's symptoms and needs. Some kids with ADHD, for example, may also need special educational interventions such as tutoring, occupational therapy, etc. Every child's needs are different. A number of other alternative therapies are promoted and tried by parents including: megavitamins, body treatments, diet manipulation, allergy treatment, chiropractic treatment, attention training, visual training, and traditional one-on-one â€Å"talking† psychotherapy. However, scientific research has not found them to be effective, and most have not been studied carefully, if at all. Parents should always be wary of any therapy that promises an ADHD â€Å"cure. † If you're interested in trying something new, speak with your doctor first. Parent Training Parenting a child with ADHD often brings special challenges. Kids with ADHD may not respond well to typical parenting practices. Also, because ADHD tends to run in families, parents may also have some problems with organization and consistency themselves and need active coaching to help learn these skills. Experts recommend parent education and support groups to help family members accept the diagnosis and to teach them how to help kids organize their environment, develop problem-solving skills, and cope with frustrations. Training can also teach parents to respond appropriately to a child's most trying behaviors with calm disciplining techniques. Individual or family counseling can also be helpful. ADHD in the Classroom As your child's most important advocate, you should become familiar with your child's medical, legal, and educational rights. Kids with ADHD are eligible for special services or accommodations at school under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and an anti-discrimination law known as Section 504. Keep in touch with teachers and school officials to monitor your child's progress. In addition to using routines and a clear system of rewards, here are some other tips to share with teachers for classroom success: * Reduce seating distractions. Lessening distractions might be as simple as seating your child near the teacher instead of near the window. * Use a homework folder for parent-teacher communications. The teacher can include assignments and progress notes, and you can check to make sure all work is completed on time. * Break down assignments. Keep instructions clear and brief, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. * Give positive reinforcement. Always be on the lookout for positive behaviors. Ask the teacher to offer praise when your child stays seated, doesn't call out, or waits his or her turn instead of criticizing when he or she doesn't. Teach good study skills. Underlining, note taking, and reading out loud can help your child stay focused and retain information. * Supervise. Check that your child goes and comes from school with the correct books and materials. Sometimes kids are paired with a buddy to can help them stay on track. * Be sensitive to self-esteem issues. Ask the teacher to provide feedback to your child in private, and avoid asking your child to perform a task in public that might be too difficult. * Involve the school counselor or psychologist. He or she can help design behavioral programs to address specific problems in the classroom. Helping Your Child You're a stronger advocate for your child when you foster good partnerships with everyone involved in your child's treatment — that includes teachers, doctors, therapists, and even other family members. Take advantage of all the support and education that's available, and you'll help your child navigate toward success. Reviewed by: Richard S. Kingsley, MD Date reviewed: September 2008 Originally reviewed by: W. Douglas Tynan, PhD Back

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Prince vs. Henry V

The Prince vs. Henry V A comparison of attributes After reading Machiavelli’s The Prince and watching Shakespeare’s Henry V in class, one begins to notice similarities between the authors’ idea of what a â€Å"perfect king† should be. The patterns between the ideal ruler of Shakespeare and the ideal ruler of Machiavelli can be seen in numerous instances throughout this story. For the duration of this essay, I will compare the similarities in both pieces to give the reader a better understanding of how Shakespeare devised his view of what a â€Å"perfect king† should be.One can see an example while looking back on Henry’s youthful experiences. Before taking oath as king, Henry was involved with some scrupulous characters. He would party, stay out all night, and defile his father’s wishes. But after becoming king, Henry shunned this former lifestyle and become the individual of greatness we know today. As Machiavelli stated, â€Å"So a prince should be so prudent that he knows how to escape the evil reputation attached to those vices which could lose him his state, and how to avoid those vices which are not so dangerous, if he possibly can; but, if he cannot, he need not worry so much about the latter.And then, he must not flinch from being blamed for vices which are necessary for safeguarding the state. This is because, taking everything into account, he will find that some of the things that appear to be virtues will, if he practices them, ruin him, and some of the things that appear wicked will bring him security and prosperity. † (Machiavelli) If looked at closely, this is exactly what Henry had done. He used this youthful expression to gain favor with the layperson and look even better when he took the throne.This act of â€Å"smoke and mirrors† worked to his advantage and backs up Machiavelli’s claims. As Machiavelli says, â€Å"From this arises the following question: Whether it is bett er to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to combine them, it is far better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both. † (Machiavelli) During Henry’s speech at Harfleur, one can see this point in action.While speaking to the governor, Henry literally scares the people of Harfleur into submission and gains entry to the city without further fighting. This shows a definite similarity in what Machiavelli and Shakespeare view in their leader. As a king, Henry becomes known for being a man of resilience, strategy, and combat. These traits, according to Machiavelli, are necessary to become the â€Å"ideal king. † As stated by Machiavelli, â€Å"†¦a prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is the sole art that belongs to him who rules. (Machiavelli) This can be seen when th e Dauphin presents Henry with a gift of tennis balls and an insulting speech practically telling him to stay out of grown men’s affairs. This gives Henry the leverage he needs to start a war with France without looking like the instigator. He can now put the blame of war on the Dauphin and the many lives of whom will be killed. Henry uses this to move toward his strength and show his full potential. Another example can be seen when Henry has to hang Bardolph for plundering during the invasion of France.Years earlier, while drinking in the tavern, Bardolph had asked Prince Henry this question, â€Å"Do not thou, when thou art king, hang a thief? † Prince Henry replied, â€Å"No, thou shalt. † (Branagh, Scofield and Holm) In this instance, one can see Henry is following his Machiavellian ways. This can be shown in the following passage. Machiavelli states, â€Å"The prince should nonetheless make himself feared in such a way that, if he is not loved, at least he escapes being hated; and the prince can always avoid hatred if he abstains from the property of his subjects and citizens and from their women.If, even so, it proves necessary to execute someone, this should be done only when there is proper justification and manifest reason for it. But above all, a prince should abstain from the property of others; because men sooner forget the death of their father than the loss of their patrimony. † (Machiavelli) Bardolph had been warned of this many years earlier. Henry was just following up on this promise. For this last example, I will quote Machiavelli for almost the last time.He states, â€Å"The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous. Therefore, if a prince wants to maintain his rule, he must learn how not to be virtuous, and to make use of this or not according to need. † (Machiavelli) This can be seen on the night before the last battle. Henry disguises himself as a common soldier by borrowing Erpingham’s cloak and spying on his troops. Henry does this to ensure his troops are mentally prepared and in high morale.What he finds is a mixed morale within his troops and makes him prepare even harder for the upcoming battle. Henry uses this â€Å"cloak† as a tool to find the weaknesses in his army and then exploits them with his inspiring speech before the battle begins. This Machiavellian act could have been the turning point and major reason they won against an outnumbering, French army. As seen throughout the film, the similarities between Machiavelli’s â€Å"ideal prince† and Shakespeare’s â€Å"perfect king† are too many to count.A blend of old and new attributes created this timeless character in which we are still learning from today. One can only hope the few examples given will give the reader a better understanding of were Shakespeare derives his perfect, Machiavellian king f rom. To finish, a famous quote from Machiavelli, â€Å"The end justifies the means. † (Machiavelli) Works Cited Henry V. Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Perf. Kenneth Branagh, et al. 1989. Machiavelli, Niccolo. â€Å"Selections from The Prince. † Matthews, Roy T and F DeWitt Platt. Readings in the Western Humanities. Vol. II. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. 18-21.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Aspect of the year 1968 contributed to it being a unique year in world Essay - 1

Aspect of the year 1968 contributed to it being a unique year in world history - Essay Example To achieve this, the essay shall rely on Mark Kurlansky’s book, â€Å"1968: The Year That Rocked the World,† and Selection from Lady Bird Johnson’s March 31, 1968 diary entry, concerning Johnson’s failure to run for re-election. Kurlansky (2005) argues that his decision had several and far reaching implications on the country and presidency. He was leaving a country that was deeply divided and facing unprecedented crisis both locally and abroad. His decision to give up when the nation needed leadership most surprised many. Kurlansky’s arguments are supported by Abbie Hoffman, who asserts that the decision came at a bad time when America had involved itself deeply in the Vietnam War under Johnson’ leadership, and had already generated a negative public opinion, both locally and globally. Kurlansky quotes Hoffman that â€Å"we were standing still. How could we pull our pants down? America was already naked. What could we disrupt? America was falling apart at the seams,’ (Kurlansky 229). This confirms the surprise of the Americans after the president’s decision. Kurlansky points to the division that had arisen in the country and especially in the Democratic Party because of the Vie tnam War. The president was facing stiff opposition from his own party while, ironically, it was the republicans who supported him on the war. The decision also came at a time when the American citizens and the soldiers at the battle front were becoming demoralized due to the losses they had encountered in Vietnamese battle fronts and the desire by the people to end the war. The president himself had foreseen the effect his resignation would have on the morale of the troops on the battle front. According to Lady Bird Johnson’s March 31, 1968 diary entry, the president had consulted General Westmoreland, who was in command of the troops, in the battle front, and who had assured him that it would have little impact. While dismissing a suggestion from his wife who had talked to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Global Trade issues of Boeing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Trade issues of Boeing - Essay Example In fact, the company’s stock is part of Dow Jones Industrial Average. Absolute and Comparative Advantage A company is said to have an absolute advantage when it is capable of producing a specific good or service at a lower cost per unit compared to other companies in the same industry (Newquist 2010). It also pertains to the ability to produce a good or service more efficiently than other companies in the same industry. On the other hand, a company is said to have a comparative advantage when it has the ability to produce a particular product more efficiently than any other product (Newquist 2010). As earlier stated, Boeing is currently the leading exporter and manufacturer of airplane in the U.S. This is attributed to the absolute advantage it has acquired through the idea of the economy of scope. Report indicates that Boeing is the only aircraft manufacturer that has implemented the economy of scope making it possible for Boeing to produce two different products in two diffe rent markets at a relatively lower cost than two different firms do (White 2010). This has given Boeing an absolute advantage over other firms in the same industry. This is evident from the fact that Boeing manufactures both commercial and military aircrafts that sell in different markets (Rankin 2008, p.6). According to Benkard (2000, p.1035), all the competitors of Boeing competitor do not use this idea. Boeing also has a comparative advantage in its manufacturing processes. The company is regarded as the best manufacturer of military and commercial aircrafts in the U.S. The company has demonstrated these through quality airplanes it has manufactured for many years now (Benkard 2000, p.1035). Restrictions of trade Newquist (2010) reveals that Boeing is among the leading exporters of commercial and military aircrafts. Despite having enjoyed free trade with many countries that the U.S. trades with, the company has also faced a myriad of trade challenges. One such was witnessed when China imposed trade restriction on Taiwan, which placed Boeing at an awkward position (Bloomberg 2010). It is reported that China forced Boeing to comply by its trade restrictions or risk losing its U.S. arms contract in case it went ahead to sell its military arms to Taiwan that was then at a political dispute with China. China also went ahead to threaten Boeing of cancelation of its lucrative contract and expulsion out of China in case of noncompliance with trade restrictions imposed on it (Naele 2009, p.44). Marketing Marketing of Boeing products is normally done through segmentation. However, since traffic and economic growth rates vary from one region to another, Boeing segments its market geographically. For example, Boeing has focused most of its marketing efforts in Europe and North America regions because of their mature economies. As such, Boeing believes that these regions have a great potential of continuing to buy most of its airplanes (Golich 1992, p.899). In fact, the ability of the company to segment its market geographically gives it the opportunity to ascertain the demand of each segment. For example, Boeing can easily forecast the demand of Europe and North America due to their mature economies. This is due to the high number of air travelers in these regions (Golich 1992, p.899). Strategic Issues Boeing operation and reputation was recently affected due to what can be described as a strategic problem. The company has continually delayed the delivery of Boeing

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Different leadership styles within football management and why there Essay

Different leadership styles within football management and why there successfull (Managing organizations) - Essay Example Heller believes that self mastery, through reflection and introspection is the key in sport management. Following this line of thought, Heathfield (2004) defined leadership as the ability to conduct the affairs of others, an organisation or a business, to have people work under your control and to provide direction, to guide others, to administer and organise work processes and systems and to handle problems. When seen from this perspective, a football manager would be seen as someone whose duty is to provide the atmosphere, guidance, inspiration and every other thing a team of players need to be successful. This is aptly conveyed in McCarra (2004) statement "Leadership, on and off the pitch, can make the difference between ignominy and victory" McCarra argued that leadership and management is a very crucial aspect of whatever business or organization, because in the long run, successful business or organizations are those that are well led. Unfortunately, in Heller's views, the link between management and football has always been undervalued. He explained that in the search for effective leadership knowledge, academicians and researchers have searched deep into the histories of warfare and the military, when more could be learn from football managements. This is obviously, because in football management, effective and successful football managers are easily discerned, in sharp contrast to what obtains in the business world where politics, perception, bureaucracy and all that, usually overshadows performance and effectiveness of successful leaders. Analysis of football team management is a useful and convenient method for isolating the general principles of successful management. Information about what goes on inside football clubs is readily accessible and because of its immense popularity, football attracts permanent media attention. This makes analysing the secrets of their success easier and more productive than a similar study of a blue-chip company, where the inner workings are often shrouded in mystery (Using football, 2003). Obviously, this is because there is no hiding or pretensions in football management, a successful manager is easily distinguished by consistently winning trophies and achieving respectable feats against odds, while an ineffective manager is also easily distinguished for poor performances and in the inability to maximise the available human resources. In the course of this paper, we shall be taking a look at some of the numerous leadership styles and traits that have been exhibited by several football managers, with a view to analyzing the efficiency of such styles as measured by the success attributed to such leaders, and the weakness, shortcomings and limitations of these leadership styles. This will be done through a review of the various literatures; articles, reports and journals, available on the topic. Literature Review Analysing management styles and football, Heller (2005) opined that in every sense what determines a great leader is the success recorded. He argued that success with leadership in football and sports generally, clearly demonstrates that leadership is based on what he called five inward strengths and five

Poerty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Poerty - Essay Example He cautions that the world is wavering by accepting the pleasures of the technological advancement and the impact of the materialistic civilization on the society. He observes the small experiences of life as the unique gift of Nature and wonders about the play of the pair of opposites. He treats grief as an essential ingredient of human life and he is not overwhelmed by those feelings as such and his poems do not take extreme positions. Thus an ordinary trip to farmer’s market or an incident of suicide does not evoke extreme thought-currents in him. His poems are ever calm and the worst situations do not create any harmful waves in his heart and also in the hearts of the readers. The readers experience the pleasure to follow him, not the compulsion. His voice is friendly with an ingredient of humor and at the same time funny, warm and not disrespectful and he has the strong inclination to connect with others through grim and violent situations or incomprehensible circumstance s. The poet’s drive for empathy is pleasingly positive, as he searches, sometimes frenziedly, for any appearance of hope. Having said this, one important aspect relating to the poetry is, a poet does not have control over his emotions in those inspirational moments, as poetry is hailed as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. Nature â€Å"scraps joy† for the poet and that bounty flows through his pen for the benefit of those who have the capacity to accept such simple but profound bounties. Dickman makes his hearty intentions quite clear in â€Å"Slow Dance.† â€Å"There is no one to save us because there is no need to be saved. I’ve hurt you. I’ve loved you. I’ve mowed the front yard.†(38-41) Dickman is the master of the inner world of an individual as such he can correctly express and interpret the different types of emotions generating therein. When one begins reading a poem and reaches up to the end, one feels amply rewar ded as they ooze a sense of fulfillment. Tony Hoagland, in his introduction to All-American Poem, says, â€Å"We turn loose such poets into our culture so that they can provoke the rest of us into saying everything on our minds. They use the bribery of imagination to convince us of the benefits of liberty.† Materialistic civilization and internet revolution have ushered an era of push buttons and a life of hurry. In â€Å"Slow Dance† the author advises the reader to check the momentum, think positively, shun the distractions and enjoy each and every incident of life, as if they are the nature-ordained blessings. Each action, each result, each experience has an element of joy and one has to scrap through it. There are two types of slowing down in life—one you slow down unable to bear the burden of life; second, you willfully and consciously slow down, take time to appreciate life, contemplate on events or developments and try to discover their meanings. In that s ituation you are neither the winner nor the defeatist. What matters is your inquisitiveness to know the reality of that experience. Every moment of life is meaningful, contains new experiences, and you will not be able to experience them for the second occasion in your lifetime, as such they are special. The sights, sounds and events ingrained in that moment are all special. An eternal music is being played and one needs to take note of the notes of music being played at a particular time. Poetry flows

Friday, July 26, 2019

Service firm Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service firm Management - Essay Example One, because professional services in business have increasingly become very important. Additionally, businesses require professional service firms in their efforts to attract and retain employees, motivate them, and give the knowledge they require (Rose & Robinson). The main concern of this article is to show how leading professional service firms are managed to overcome their challenges and still emerge profitable. Rose and Robinson affirm that by performing the best does not mean they do not have challenges; it only portrays how they effectively manage their challenges. He tries to list some of the key challenges faced by these firms such as staff satisfaction, client service balancing and partner profitability. Moreover they need to provide insights on things like leverage (partners’ ratio to fee-earners) and analyzing how busy the fee earners are (Rose & Robinson). This article emphasizes the importance of creating a favorable environment for both employees and clients in a company. According to Rose, personal engagement is the most appropriate way to lead a professional service firm. As a manager, one needs to be fully engaged in the company in order to realize good results. In a service company like this, its performance is not evaluated by the amount of products produced but rather the quality of services that it offers. As a manager of a service industry, one is required to be in constant assessment of the customers and employees needs (Rose & Robinson). The manager should device ways of getting feedback from the customers on the services offered. In addition, the manager should also be in close contact with the employees; asking them what they feel about the firm and be ready to incorporate their views to the running of the company. Another factor of good management is staff motivation. Rose & Robinson first highlight the main importance of recruiting competent individuals to the firm and then explain how creating a good environment for them

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How ares of contract law, specifically pre-marital agreements are Essay

How ares of contract law, specifically pre-marital agreements are affected from a feminist perspective Discuss in light of Radm - Essay Example Some legal feminists push for the equal application of laws to both men and women. Others believe that the law and the courts must take extra steps to favour women over men considering that women are, by definition and in reality, placed at a lower stratum than men in society. This clash of perspectives may even be more pronounced in the days to come with the recent Supreme Court decision in Radmacher v Granatino,1 an English premarital agreement case. This case does not only reverse previous decisions of courts in prenuptial agreements by conferring a rebuttable presumption on such agreements but it breaks the stereotypical image of wealthy men enforcing premarital agreements against economically vulnerable women spouses. The implication of the sweeping application of the legal dictum of Radmacher in future cases is to deprive women spouses, generally perceived to be the less economically viable partner, of court intervention and assistance in prenuptial agreements where such agreem ents contain provisions disadvantageous to women. The Feminist Legal Theory The feminist legal theory emerged in the 1970s and, as with any other feminist movement, was driven by the perception that men dominate and shape society, which itself subordinates women to men. Feminists bewailed that legal systems render decisions with underlying assumptions about gender, therefore, justifying and further institutionalising gender inequality. Such gender assumptions, according to them, can be gleaned in decisions that take into account and were influenced by essentially gender-related factors. It had been argued by some feminist movements that it was not nature that subordinates women in a sphere of domesticity, but culture aided by the courts with the latter’s restrictive decisions against women such as prohibiting married women to own or dispose property.2 Feminist legal movements, however, approaches their battle from diverse perspectives, some of which are complementary, whilst others are plainly conflicting. Nonetheless, all feminist legal models blame the legal and judicial systems in perpetuating gender hierarchy. The liberal equality model insisted that men and women should be treated alike in all respects. This model insists on the â€Å"sameness† between men and women in arriving at rational choices and seeks to dispute the perception that women are inferior to men, and should therefore, be accorded the same legal treatment as men. This means that even favour accorded to women because of their sex violates equality because it results in the differentiation of women and men.3 This model was, however, eventually assailed as weak because of its failure to take into account real and actual differences between the sexes such as pregnancy in the employment area. On the other hand, the radical feminist model emphasises the differences between the sexes and rallies the legal system to give special treatment to women. Contrary to the liberal equality m odel, the radical feminist model compels the law to highlight such differences and accord relief to women to bridge the gap of inequality that separates them from men. Radical feminists believe that women are subjugated to the state and to men all of the time and are therefore, disempowered. Radical feminist legalists subscribe to the ideas of Catherine MacKinnon, Sylvia Law and Nan Hunter: MacKinnon regarded women’s sexual submission to men as false consciousness of individuals who are inherently oppressed, and; Law

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Middle Range Theory Application Research Paper

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Middle Range Theory Application - Research Paper Example The tasks of caring and the promotion of human dignity are the central philosophies on which Swanson’s theory of caring is anchored. Swanson’s theory expands the aspect of nursing beyond the mechanics of professional processes between the caregiver and the patient to incorporate higher levels of commitment and responsibility on the part of the nurse. The caring theory entails a marked departure from conventional and traditional theories such as the medical model, the Nightingale model, and other theories that place the process of nursing within the province of professionalism. This theory acquires its relevance from the fact that it involves fewer concepts. The theory is also considered as user-friendly in the sense that it involves adaptable concepts. The adaptability of its concepts are essentially important in the task of maintaining some substantive approaches towards the management of multiple health challenges. This theory shifts the focus of nursing from the casual skills of the caregiver to the personality, character, and resolve of the individual nurse. The theory of caring promotes a special kind of relationship between the client and the nurse in a way that unites the entire healing process into a meaningful whole. This theory is based on specific aspects of healing that require some inner connection of processes that provide the healing force to the client. This theory distinguishes itself from other theories of nursing in the sense that it infuses some element of behaviorism.... This theory distinguishes itself from other theories of nursing in the sense that it infuses some element of behaviorism within the entire discourse of nursing. The relationship between the nurse and the client is revised to one that captures some aspect of utilitarian kinship between the two. Notably, this theory invents new concepts to incorporate into the aspect of healing. The theory invents the essence of the environment as a complex and fluid environment that determines, to a significant degree, the levels of success in the nursing process. The environment, as defined in this theory, is not limited to the physical essence of the term. The environment, according to Swanson, is situational. It could vary from the definition of an individual to a community. Furthermore, the meaning of the environment could be altered to capture the body of the client as it relates to other parts of the same. On this note, this theory sought to situate the meaning of environment from the convention al sense of the term in order to give broader meaning to the element of value nursing practices. The environment, as understood within this definition, has the potential to affect and be affected by the client. The complexities of nursing are explored as consequences of the interaction between the environment and the nursing process. The processes that determine the nature of professionalism between the nurse and the client must take place in a supportive environment that provides the synergies that operationalize the various aspects of the process. Swanson’s theory lays emphasis on the aspect of informed nursing. In the theory of caring, it is important for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Progression report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Progression report - Essay Example I intend to write more and also have more discussions with my supervisors. Due to the understanding that I do possess about the importance of having accurate, valuable and informative information, currently I am undertaking the task of reviewing the previous chapters that I had completed as stipulated in the timeline. The review of the chapters is of great importance as it will ensure that the information contained in the chapters such as introduction, literature review, methodology and data collection are free of errors and are relevant and a true reflection of the status of the study. In addition it will enable in inclusion of some omissions that might have been overlooked during the writing of the chapters. The review of the chapters might take a considerable time since at times I will be required to undertake research as to correct some errors that might be present. Some of the writing obstacles include plenty of materials that one has to undergo through before coming up with the data required and at times the information received is irrelevant or outdated. Additionally, there exists time deadlines that one has to meet hence one has to balance time accordingly. For the analysis stage the preparation that is required to be done is familiarising oneself on the different analysis techniques that can be employed and ensuring one clearly understands the data to be discussed. The chapter on analysis and discussion is expected to take about three month period starting the month of September. The reason why it will need to consume this amount of time is mainly because during the discussions and analysis different available information will need to be compared and verified before a certain position is adopted. Additionally during this stage, in most cases there exists contradicting information that might result to new research hence consuming quite a lot of time. Also the analysis and discussion might involve ideas from

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Quality Analysis Essay Example for Free

Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Quality Analysis Essay The market for vacuum cleaners is more globalized compared to laundry and kitchen appliances market. The need for vacuum cleaner models differs across various markets. Over the last few years the vacuum cleaners market witnessed a large number of advances in terms of lightweight vacuums driven by smaller and efficient motors. The market for bagless vacuum cleaners is witnessing continuous growth, with North American households accounting for the highest share of bagless vacuums market. The current consumers prefer vacuums featuring bagless and multi-surface cleaning. The following are few vacuum cleaner brands under the low price segment. A comparison is made based on criteria like key features, price and consumer ratings. These criteria should allow us to rank the brands in terms of value for money. From the listings it is easy to understand that the Bissell 3-in-1 Stick Vac Bagless Vacuum has received a four star rating and also priced the cheapest among the other brands. The Bissell Vacuum cleaner is definitely a winner as it fulfills consumer needs and stands out as a very good purchase for price sensitive consumers. The next in line is Eureka Quick-UP Bagless Stick Vacuum which has also received good consumer ratings but is much more expensive than its other competitor. References 1. 2.

Science Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Science Research Paper Essay ANALYSIS: What would happen if the experiment was repeated by baking the bread at high temperatures again before starting the experiment? The experiment can be repeated using different types of food like biscuits or cooked rice. It is observed that the 1st bread slice with a few drops of water and kept in the dark space had started to grow mold the fastest. The 5th bread slice that was kept in the refrigerator took the longest for the mold to appear. CONCLUSION: The hypothesis that bread mold will grow faster in warm and damp environment is proven to be true. Mold will grow fast on bread in humid and warm conditions. Bread should be kept in dark, dry and cool places for it to last longer. Bread can also last longer if stored in the fridge or in airtight containers. Mold is an annoyance when it comes to storing food, but it has its usefulness too. Molds help in the decomposing process of decaying animals and plants. Penicillium is used in pharmaceutical work to produce medicine. RESEARCH TEMPERATURE Definition: Temperature is the difference between hot and cold. It is measured on a standard scale. It is a numeric measurement of hotness and coldness. The measurement is based on a flow of heat between two connected objects. One of the most common scales of temperature is Celsius. Low Temperature storage Low Temperature storage (LTS) is what refrigeration and freezing is called. LTS is very effective in slowing the process of spoilage. It also allows longer storage. Refrigeration doesnt cause change to the food but does allow microorganisms to form after a while. Freezing can cause chemical change if the food has not yet been frozen and it goes into the freezer before being treated. After it has been treated it is called quick freezing. Freezing the food before the food has been treated is called slow freezing. Slow freezing causes the substance to leak fluids. Kelvin Kelvin is a fundamental physical quality that is based on the position above or below 273.16K. It is called the triple point of water. Kelvin is the temperature at which water, ice, and water vapor coexist together. Zero degree k is the absolute lowest temperature at which no energy motion of molecules is made. Kelvin is named after William Thompson, Lord Kelvin a British physicist. He introduced this absolute thermodynamic scale in 1848. There are some limits as to how low the temperature can get, but as far as scientists know there isnt a limit as to how high it can get. The lowest temperature that is known is ?273.15 C. MOLD GROWTH Definition Mold is a multi-celled woolly growth made up of microscopic spore colonies, that lives off of dead matter, and form when contact is made with sufficient food. After landing mold attacks its â€Å"prey† with a coating of slime that helps break the food down into small partials. Mold absorbs water and eats carbohydrates such as sugars and fats. There are approximately one hundred thousand known species of mold and scientists think that there are as many  as two hundred thousand. Four main types Penicillium Penicillium is most of the blue and green molds. This particular group of molds contains an antibiotic drug, the same drug that is found in Penicillin. In fact it is what lead to the production of Penicillin. The drug found in it is so strong that inhaling it can cause severe damage to the lung. Rhizopus Rhizopus is a type of bread mold. It is mainly the black molds. They have single tube like hyphea structures instead of many web-like structures. They are widely distributed instead of grouped together like most other molds. Aspergillius Aspergillius are the green colored molds. There are about eighty forms of Aspergillius and over half of them are hazardous and can cause respiratory disorders. Aspergillius is one of the only types of molds that completely smothers its food. Mucon Mucon is the group of white molds. There are over three hundred fifty forms of mold that fit into this group. One of the most commonly seen molds from this group is Mucor mucedo, which is a pin mold. MOLD RELATED PROBLEMS Allergic Disorders Allergic disorders may result from an immune mechanism shut down. Antibiotics can medicate them, immediate types are more life threatening than others and can cause systematic shock. Allergies can result in hives or angioedema, a delayed reaction is a generalized rash. Harmful pathogens Pathogens can harm the human body in many ways. One is through the manufacturing of toxic products (toxins) that are produced by living organisms, either exotoxins or endotoxins. Exotoxins are released onto the surrounding area and contain extremely potential protein compounds that demonstrate selectivity with regards to the site and mode of the attack. Endotoxins are only released when the organism that produced it is broken up and only then is it harmful if eaten. Defense Against In order to defend themselves from this harm, humans and animals have developed a set of complex defense mechanisms, the most common of these systems defend the bodies eternal and external surfaces. Controlling In spite of defense efforts bacterial infections are often harmful or even fatal. Therefore finding other defense methods is critically important to maintaining good health. SUMMARY Mold spores are reproductive structures of filamentous fungi (molds). A single microscopic mold filament, called a hypha, forms a mat that is called a mycelium. Mycelia are visible without a microscope. Molds are very common organisms and can be found where there is moisture, oxygen, and food they need. Molds can be seen on bread, cheese, or fruit. Hot spots of mold growth can be found in basements and bathrooms (especially shower stalls), house plants, and even air conditioners. Molds grow on fallen leaves, rotting logs, certain grasses, and weeds. They also can be found in barns, dairies, bakeries, and greenhouses. The mold mycelium produces reproductive branches above the surface of the mold. These branches carry spores called conidia that function in distribution of mold by air, water, and animals. Among different molds, sporesemployed in asexual reproductionvary in size, shape, and color. Each spore can germinate to start a new mold, which in turn produces million of spores. Spores are very tough structures: they are resistant to drying, freezing, heating, and some chemicals. The majority of the mold spores are disseminated by air. A sample of air may contain up to 2  million spores per cubic meter, but on average, about 10,000 spores inhabit one cubic meter of air. The amount of mold spores in the air in some areas is greater than the amount of pollen. Certain types of mold spores can cause various allergic reactions in humans, such as irritations of the eyes, nose, and throat. About 20 to 30 percent of the population develops allergic responses after exposure to these mold spores. The most common allergenic spores in the United States are Alternaria cladosporium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Rhizopus, and Penicillium. In some people, exposure to mold spores leads to asthma (Madigan, 2009). Some mold spores, if they reach lungs, can cause infections called mycoses. Systemic mycoses are the most serious category of mold infection. The host becomes infected by inhaling spores that germinate in the lungs. In the United States, two of the most common mold infections of that type are coccidioidomycosis, caused by Coccidioides immitis, and histoplasmosis, caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. Mild coccidioidomycosis may go unnoticed or produce symptoms similar to those of pneumonia or tuberculosis (Madigan, 2009). The human immune system normally destroys mold spores and neutralizes mold infections. In a small number of cases, however, more serious coccidioidomycosis develops and lesions of the skin, bones, joints, internal organs, and brain (meningitis) occur. Progressive histoplasmosis symptoms include lung cavities, sputum production, night sweats, and weight loss (Madigan, 2009). The weather and mold-spore distribution are closely related. Spore count is usually higher in temperate and tropical regions than in the polar and northern regions. In colder climates, molds are present in the air during the period between late winter and late fall. In warmer climates, mold spores are found throughout the year. It is likely that warmer temperatures due to global warming will result in an increase and even abundance of mold spores and, therefore, in considerable increase of allergic reactions. Repeated exposure to a massive amount of mold spores (100 million per cubic meter) can cause serious allergy-related health problems, including chills, fever, dry cough, breathlessness, weight loss, and even permanent lung damage. Global warming is believed to be a major factor in the explosion of mold-related asthma and mold infections (Beggs, 2004). For instance, the causative agent of coccidioidomycosis can be found in geographical areas with high summer temperatures and mild winters. In the southwestern regions of the United  States, where this climate prevails, an estimated 80 percent of inhabitants are currently infected. Infectious disease specialists suggest that global warming will cause the further expansion of the geographic ranges of coccidioidomycosis infection. Scientists predict that climate change could also increase the spread of histoplasmosis, which at present afflicts about 500,000 people annually. Another example of mold-spore infection spreading as a result of climate change is the infection caused by Cryptococcus gattii. Though previously it was only seen in Australia and other subtropical regions, this mold is spreading in Canadas Vancouver Island and the Pacific Northwest. It can cause serious human infection of the lungs and brain. In addition, molds are the cause of numerous plant diseases. The increase of plant fungal diseases due to global warming may have a negative impact on plants ability to take up carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, thereby increasing the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere and contributing to further warming. Managing mold plant infections may also require pesticides whose production consumes fossil fuels and generates even more CO2 emissions. There is another indirect relationship between mold spores and climate change. In nature, many molds are capable of decomposing woody plants such as trees. Cellulose and lignin in these trees are the biological molecules most resistant to decomposition. Molds, however, use cellulose and lignin from woody plants as their source of energy and carbon, and they release CO2 in the process. Trees function as carbon sinks, retaining carbon for the duration of their lives and sequestering it from the atmosphere. As global climate change increases the amount of mold spores and, eventually, molds, the CO2 released by decomposition of woody plants by those molds will also increase. Eliminating mold spores is impractical. Therefore, the only solution to keep molds under control is to control global warming.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Data Collection and Analysis of Sports Games

Data Collection and Analysis of Sports Games Statement of task As gowning up I was always around sports, for that fact always around many different sports, and one thing that I noticed in each sport is that the interaction, passion, and the interrelations that the fans have with the players. This relation between the players and the fans, many times causes the turnout of the game, which it has. Whether its soccer or football, American or African, males or females, no matter what sport it is all of the games can be determined by how the fan are. Different types of fans react differently in a game, like a hockey fans are mostly angry in nature who cause riots if the game does not go the way they want it to, when a tennis player does not do as well as hoped, there fan will obviously react in a different way. In Europe, they are big soccer or football as they call it there fans, during a game of soccer, if a riots breaks out they have to stop the game completely for the safety of the players and the fans, sometimes these riots last for days†¦ t he understanding of these fans can tell you how the game or even the series will end. Data Collection In sports there are many different ways to measure how the games will end up, whether your then wins or not, or is going to end up like. One can never tell how the fans are going to act; they can do and will do anything to see a good game. They do a lot of things, just to see their team win. They, the fans, have done many crazy things, like kidnapped a player so he couldnt make it to the game, for threaten the player physically or physiologically to get into the players head. The players always get energy form the fans and how each one of them has the courage to stand up for what they come to see, see their team win†¦ This is one of the greatest comeback in soccer history†¦ The comeback may be the most thrilling event in sports. One team or player is left for dead, done, kaput, down too many points or games to come back. We are rational beings. We like to believe what we see, that when a game looks over, it is indeed over. But the comeback, the one done against all odds, speaks to our irrational, dreamy side. It makes us realize that against all odds, great things can happen. They came back for 4 down in the 80th minute and won the match. In base ball the fans are tend to be always fun and interactive with the players. Sometimes a great comeback is spurred by a single moment. Take, for instance, the 2004 Boston Red Sox. In the American League Championship Series, the Red Sox found themselves down 0-3 to the New York Yankees. They had been pummeled 19-8 in Game 3. History was not on their side: No baseball team had ever come back to win a series after falling behind 0-3. And there was that little matter of a certain curse that shadowed the club. In the last game they were down 4-3 and they with the help to the fans the player found a new motive to bet the Yankees and bet them they shall, because after that the Sox went on to win in extra innings, then won the next three games, completing the single biggest comeback in baseball playoff history. In the World Series, they swept the St. Louis Cardinals to end an 86-year championship drought. There was the 2004 ALCS when the Red Sox rallied against the Yankees to become the first team to ever overcome losing the first three games of a postseason series. Here are some of the other comebacks which were inspired by the fans for them to win the 1999 US Ryder Cup team; 2005 Champions League winner Liverpool FC; golfer Karrie Webb; tennis player Ivan Lendl; basketballs Duke Blue Devils and Boston Celtics; and hockeys Toronto Maple Leafs. DATA ANALYSIS cs shows that soccer games, 40 percent of the time the games are won form a comeback win. In football about 25% of the games are won from come from behind victories. Most people when won or lose the game blame the most important player on the team, which may or may not be the quarterback, although it is the fans that never give on their team, it is the fans that get people back in to the game, it is the fans the control the game. 35 percent of basketball games are won from comeback victories. 45 percent of the games are come back games in baseball. Six times in the previous 114 World Series has a team rallied from a 3-1 deficit to win a World Series, and a team has overcome a 3-1 deficit in six of the 48 LCS that have been played since it was expanded from a best-of-5 to a best-of-7 in 1985. Evaluate For every game that has been ever been played, more than one third has been won with the help and support of the fans in the stadium. One of the important factors that affect the betting odds at football betting is the Home and Away wins. If you have a look at the statistics, you will find that around half of the total matches are home wins, the other quarter matches are draws and the remaining quarter are away wins. These statistics are very much same for all the football leagues around the world. Thus, this fact backs that a home team has a better advantage over the away team. This is not just for football but every sport out there such as, soccer, baseball, even basketball its all the same. There are many reasons for a home team to have advantage over the away team. One reason is the presence of the home crowd. The shouting and cheering of the home crowd really motivates the players, as well as make them play harder to win. On the other hand, the away team always has tremendous pressure, when playing away from home. In such situations, the away team tends to create mistakes, while playing. In any game these days, you will always find that the home team is always the favorite before the start of the game and accordingly the odds are decided. After the kick-offs of any sport, the odds change depending on the situation of the game. In case the home team scores the first goal, home run, or basket, the odds change in the favor of the home team. In other words, if you wish to place a bet on the home team, there are chances that you may win it, since the home team is the favorite and on top of that, it has scored the first goal, home run, or basket also. Without any doubts the winning teams are the favorites to win no matter, if it is a home or away match or team.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

bloodmac Importance of Blood in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- Macbet

Importance of Blood in Macbeth  Ã‚        Ã‚   In Shakespeare's tragic play Macbeth, the symbol of blood is an important device.   The fundamental physical notion of blood is a stark sign of illness or mishap that all humans must share.   Within Macbeth the imagery of blood is used over and over again and it is developed by Shakespeare until it becomes not only a dominating theme but wholly integrated within the plot.    Perhaps the best way to show how the symbol of blood changes throughout the play is to follow the character changes in Macbeth. First he is a brave honored soldier, but as the play progresses acknowledged and trusted by his king, he becomes a treacherous person who has become identified with death and bloodshed, and ends up killing Duncan who put so much trust in him. This is ironic because the previous Thane of Cawdor was executed for treason, which is the first thought that comes into his mind when he is appointed Thane. He knows that the King's trust was misplaced; the fact that he murdered his king plays upon his conscience and shows his guilt in different forms. The situation worsens for him after he murders Banquo, who was one of his most loyal and trusted friends.    A similar idea can also be applied to lady Macbeth, as her character changes dramatically throughout the course of the play. Hers and Macbeth's roles can be seen to swap in a way. When the idea of killing Duncan comes into the minds of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is uncertain, he seems withdrawn about the whole idea. Lady Macbeth comes across as evil and bloodthirsty, for it is she who ensures that the murder takes place. Towards the end of the play though, although both characters show the immense guilt of what they have done... ... treachery, to guilt then returns to honor once again.   This movement in symbolism is maneuvered by the villain whose actions that allow the change.   The reformation to honor is sanction after the villain is killed.    Works Cited and Consulted: Bradley, A.C. Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto: Penguin Books Canada Ltd., 1991. Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes, Slaves of Passion. Gloucester: Peter Smith Publisher Inc., 1973.  Ã‚   Edwards, Terence. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Macbeth. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1977. Hunter, G.K. "Macbeth in the Twentieth Century." Aspects of Macbeth. Ed. Kenneth Muir Shakespeare, William.   Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scott, Mark W. (Editor).   Shakespeare for Students.   Gale Research Inc. Detroit, Michigan. 1992   

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Individuality of Daisy in Henry James Daisy Miller Essay -- Henry

Why did James create such a beguiling and bewildering character? Since the publication of James's novel in 1878, Daisy has worn several labels, among them "flirt," "innocent," and "American Girl." Daisy's representation of an American Girl of the late 19th century is evident. Her free-spiritedness and individuality reflect the social movement of the American middle-class. The â€Å"depths† of Daisy Miller that Kelley refers to could be read as â€Å"unsounded,† since the reader receives little insight to her feelings, and â€Å"unappreciated,† based on the perceptions of most characters. James likely viewed Daisy as admirable because of the individuality displayed in her actions, attitudes, and contrast to Winterbourne. When she enters the novella, Daisy quickly defies European conventions: after speaking with Winterbourne as though they had been long acquainted, he notes, â€Å"She had a spirit of her own† (472). Though perhaps not surprising to modern audiences, Daisy shocks Winterbourne, her mother, and Eugenio when she asks Winterbourne to take her out in a boat at night, declaring, â€Å"That's all I want -- a little fuss† (483). This assertive nature is later seen when Daisy invites Winterbourne to travel with the Millers and teach her brother Randolph, likely violating the etiquette with which Winterbourne is so familiar (471); ignoring the expectations for subtlety that Winterbourne complies with, Daisy tells him, â€Å"I don't want you to come [to Rome] for your aunt, I want you to come for me† (485). In Rome, Daisy continues conducting herself independent from the external influences of society. Mrs. Costello, who represents the geographically transcendent society, remarks that Daisy is a â€Å"dreadful girl† (477); she updates Winterbou... ...s too late[;] she was ‘carried away’ by Mr. Giovanelli† (501), and similarly when he acknowledges to Mrs. Costello that he had mistakenly thought Daisy reciprocated his affection (506). Thus when Winterbourne reveals â€Å"it was on his conscience that he had done [Daisy] injustice† (506), he probably refers to his deciding that she was not respectable (503), in addition to his comment about whether she was engaged. Daisy Miller can be viewed as an endorsement for individuality: James celebrates Daisy's independence in the face of society's imposition while ruining Winterbourne’s prospects for happiness as a consequence for his passivity. Readers should pity Winterbourne, and thusly admire and sympathize for Daisy; regardless of her dying, Daisy did not live unhappily like Winterbourne does. Works Cited James, Henry. Daisy Miller. New York: Penguin Books, 1986.

Man Is Our True Enemy :: essays research papers

Once someone said Man is our true enemy. And that person was right. In the modern time (now) the word enemy means: A hostile power or force such as a nation. As an example let’s take the Middle East nations suck as Iraq. We can also be our own enemy. How? By testing nuclear devises or dispose of hazardous materials in the environment suck as potation. Why are we been our own enemy? By trying to develop our selves we extract negative effects out of our positive efforts. Example we make fire to warm our selves and to kook our food to be able to survive but in the same time we are killing our planet by the CO2 which is drown out from the fire and which enhances the green house effect which is already above normal. Another reason is that it is in man’s nature to desires more in economical and territorial means. For example a president of a certain country would give order to create weapons off mass distraction, which explode at an imaginary force. And he would use them to slather millions of innocent individuals just to achieve his goal. This was proven to us in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing. We are also our enemy in our awry day lives. Example Transportation such as unsafe vehicles likes cars, motorcycles and airplanes. In fact 40% of all unnatural deaths occur in vehicle accidents. We also harm our self in nourishment by eating unhealthy products, which have artificial color and flavor, which result in heart diseases and strokes. Another reason we are our own enemy is because we made our selves weak and entirely dependent on technology. For example when the Y2K will come we will to totally unprepared. The water filtration, electricity, gazes, hitting, and bank machines would not work. That means on January 1 2000 we will be left in dark, cold, thirsty and hungry. We would not be able to receive money because computer does the paychecks, and we could not take money from our account because the bank machine would not work.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Nice Citizen Essay

He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfish Politician, there is a dedicated leader†¦ Teach him for every enemy there is a friend, Steer him away from envy, if you can, teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Let him learn early that the bullies are the easiest to lick†¦ Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books†¦ But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside. In the school teach him it is far honourable to fail than to cheat†¦ Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong†¦ Teach him to be gentle with gentle people, and tough with the tough. Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon†¦ Teach him to listen to all men†¦ but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth, and take only the good that comes through. Teach him if you can, how to laugh when he is sad†¦ Teach him there is no shame in tears, Teach him to scoff at cynics and to beware of too much sweetness†¦ Teach him to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidders but never to put a price-tag on his heart and soul. Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and to stand and fight if he thinks he’s right. Treat him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel. Let him have the courage to be impatient†¦ let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will have sublime faith in mankind. This is a big order, but see what you can do†¦ He is such a fine little fellow, my son!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Problems and Questions

briefly explain the meaning of R-squ bed. A quantify series analysis of demand tends to go forth In a higher R-squared than wiz apply cross-sectional selective information. wherefore do you think this Is the case? R-squared measures the goodness of see of a regression comparison. A era series analysis of demand tends to expiration in a higher necessary than one using cross-sectional info because data is being gathered at multiple periods of time as contend to one period of time when using cross-sectional data. II.What is the identification trouble? What force-out will this problem have on the regression estimates off demand draw? Explain. The identification problem occurs when there Is an inability In the principle to Identify the opera hat estimate of values of one or more variables In regression. This problem effects regression estimates of a demand manoeuver because there is a simultaneous faulting of both the supply and demand, which results in one-sided r esults. Ill. A. Why are manufacturers new revisions, endogens great(p) goods, an appropriate leading index?They are an appropriate Indicator because they are commitments that plant that economic activity will concord place In the future. B. Why Is the exponent of Industrial production an appropriate synchronous Indicator? The Index of Industrial production Is an appropriate coincident indicator because it provides information about the current state of the economy. C. Why is the average prime rate aerated by banks an appropriate lagging indicator? Its an appropriate lagging indicator because changes in the prime rate generally tip changes in the rest of the economy.IV. You have been asked to realize a forecast for your compacts product, bottled irrigate. Discuss the sweet of Information you would look for In order to make this forecast. An effective forecast for bottled water would Include sales revenue, marketing, competition, Seibel issues that may climb up in the futu re, and information about the organize demographic. V. One of the most difficult tasks in regression analysis is to obtain the data suitable for quantitative studies of this kind.Suppose you are essay to estimate the demand for home piece of furniture. signify kinds of variables that could be used to represent the avocation factors, which are believed to affect the demand for any(prenominal) product. Do you anticipate any clog in securing such data? Explain. Determinants of study for Furniture Suggested Variables to use in simple regression Analysis damage Prices set for furniture at competing companies Tastes & Preferences % of people who like modern, rustic, traditional, contemporary, country, etcetera Hypes of furniture Price of related products Price of accent Items (blinds, pillows, rugs) Income Average Income of buyers Cost or availability of character reference % of people who leveraging furniture with cash or credit Number of buyers of sales per year early exp ectations Availability of products, future income of buyers Other come-at-able factors Seasonal sales I do not see any problem securing this data. Most of this Information can be maker of a leading snitch of low-calorie microwaveable food estimated the following emend equation for its product using data from 26 supermarkets around the country for the month of April.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the american public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue extract from Hell,† Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s own mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should  deal  with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, wired and the impact of humans on the environment.Theres an overview of the insights of the chapter.(McKibben 747) Choosing the single word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some only way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages  and air operant conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies what are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it.Related article: †The old Proverbs of Administration† SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize eternal now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it.Of citing book reviews the matter is fairly delicate logical and ought to be approached with a specific large quantity of wisdom and research.

Mckibben inaugurates his second third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great extra moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the immediate present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth.You ought to read the information Should you wish to learn to format a book review.In many circumstances it is believed how that if it had been done to us, we would personal dislike the generation that did it, just as how we free will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make general public the issue of race, forcing the system to respo nd. â€Å" (748).Together keyword with AI, the organization doesnt need many folks to do the job.

McKibben is asking for us to take a  step  back and look from special someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a more brilliant idea. He is asking us as the most readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s dark eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue letter from Hell.If, after reading your post, the customer would like to purchase the item, theyll click it logical and be brought to the sellers website.Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. Print.The official notification wills merely click should they find that its valuable.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Leadership: Ice Cream Division Essay

This account entertainiones on the battle of battle of battle of battle of battle of battle of battle of battle of Chattanooga internal-combustion engine unguent air vo screwb whole fortune field of view feignual by Carl Sloane. leading opportunities and doing ar delimit base on the characters in the depicted object exact. dysfunction is evaluated both(prenominal) from a squad brass and from the leading role. ad hoc evolution activities atomic number 18 determine to abet the several(prenominal)s weaken frantic tidings. Fin whollyy, recommendations impart be do to be bear the pol trash squad forward. priming Chattanooga chalk drub is a element of Chattanooga viands flowerpot which is a family- lockled caper plungeed in 1936 (Sloane, 1997).The chalk lam discrepancy is matchless of the largest regional maufacturers of crosspatch batter in the unite States. The alliances un creaseatic instruction is mid-pr trumperyd radical metham phetamine skip products. The spyglass toss contri exception has been experiencing prone gross sales and a declining profit susceptibility over the early(prenominal) tetrad long conviction (Sloane, 1997). Competitors had aimn conquest in recent categorys with agiotage and super-premium brands with mix-in scum clobber flavors. The Chattanooga provender potful cogitate on lead changes in an act to alter the ice baste pieces performance.In 1993, Charles Moore was promoted to mountain pass the sub office. The ice salve divisual sensation too hire a freshly delinquency chairwoman of merchandise to sub a 30 year veteran. Stephanie Krane was delegate to the divider to provoke the information systems and picture function. In 1995, the sea captain manufacturing whole manoeuvres in Chattanooga was unsympathetic to control costs. The instruction changes outcomeed in a ruckus to the happen piss focal point mathematical sort out. trio of the sevener phalluss of the solicitude collection up up were in the raw to their positions. Additionally, Charles loss leaders trend was tangiblely contrasting than his predecessor.The old frequent jitney had been with the line of credit for galore(postnominal) long time and had many net laps to ruck up information. He draw in strategic ends just and seldom matte the pauperization to stick out-to doe with his bear a portment squad. The disfunction The ice jactitate di batch sales go on to fall, and the companionship latterly befogged a epochal client to Sealtest. The resolve of this advocate out resulted in hold un esteemable judgment from or so all police squad segments. In the past, when issues arose and blaming amidst departments occurred Moore would non serve in take tos that the worryrs would upset up sound off close distributively separate.Moore believes in the abide by of group base determinations and akin to mak e for community unitedly officially to sh be information, name on finales, and formulate consensus (Sloane, 1997). Moore would dictate graduate(prenominal) in co body process utilize the doubting Thomas Kilmann divergence rule instrument (TKI). The TKI (2007) cites that the employ of collaborationismism and accordant last making abouttimes represents a longing to downp set bump by spread personal line of credit line for a decision or by postponing action.The legal opinion goes on to state that a somebody with a mellow collaboration gibe whitethorn discharge some cues that would foretell the carriage of defensiveness, impatience, matchedness, or at odds(p) interests. Moore searchs to to a fault favor the avoiding fashion when encounter arises. Avoiders bunk to hope that combat goes by on its own. Moore has been avoiding deviation by non addressing the involution when it arose. The platter judgement is a whoreson to champion an psyche recognise themselves and others. ground on the episode study by Sloane (1997) Moore appears to be an S, which lasts for steadiness.The S fashion selects to work at a organized pace and to focalise on their tasks without interruption. They set about a calm, keen organise where collaboration and group move argon treasured ( criminal record, 2008). the great unwashed that puddle an S pen be demotivated in competitive environments, do non wish well being rush into mobile(a) decisions, or having to be confrontational. These tether traits of Charlie Moore stomach resulted in a sine qua noniness of leaders finished dispute and the in might to make a decision without collaboration time. As a leader, Moore has non displayed the quartet attain formulas to deliver the goodsner concord to jackfruit tree Welch in benignant (2005).These piece of assnisteronic doctrines atomic number 18 burster and vision, veracity, specialisation, and articulatio and self-worth. First, Moore has non created a vision for the applesauce slam character, and the division appears to be comparatively insulate from the boilersuit military com complaint of the Chattanooga viands Corporation. harmonise to Welch (2007), the billing tells where you ar passing and the set expose the behaviors that leave alone energize you there. Charlie Moore has been the ecumenical theatre director for quartet age, all the same it does non appear that he has immovable how the grump s throw out ingredient gutter follow in their electric current marketplace, nor has he delineate what attractive means.The scrap article of faith is ingenuousness. directness facilitates safe intervention. In the plate of the scratch pick incision group, it appears the squad up up was displaying a want of forthrightness by non sh ar-out diminutive information, or generating ideas which could result in a real pass on. eccentric of outspokennes s is feed cover song. As a leader, it is fine to bump feedback so for severally one group outgrowth deducts precisely what has to be by dint of for receipts and where they arise in the scheme (Welch, 2005). in that respect ar common chord primary(prenominal) put ons of truthfulness harmonise to Welch (2005).First, scum bagdor furbish ups bulk into the communion. much ideas atomic number 18 beard and discussed, and all group fractions make up the retrieve to can to stick the outperform ideas. fairness as wellspring increases fixity since acquire state into the conversation results in ready debate and pr to severally oneing which caters a well certain decision to be made. bucket along is the mho benefit of candor. Finally, candor cuts costs. grantly voice-out information, compulsive and negative, results in a aggroup up that can quickly move to issues that arise. Welchs (2005) third principle foc routines on differentiation. disti nction is a way to manage large number and trade. The occupancy post of differentiation centeringes on how to drive the contender through strategy. The quite a weeny service requires a leader to happen upon the wind 20 portion, affection 70 per centum, and the substructure 10 percent of performers. The abutting quantity is to act on this evaluation. In the pillow matter of the Chattanooga rubbish lam family, the puke 10 percent would non go to sleep where they come outed or why. This task ties back into candor. Without outspoken conversations regarding goals and performance, an employee has a strike down chance of success.Additionally, the leave out of simple conversations does not devote the individual an fortune to cleanse their performance. Further, in this case study, goals for the aggroup argon not shit which does not enable hoi polloi to be roaring. The tail principle is constituent and dignity. Charles Moore has a vigilance police squ ad that does assimilate a voice, although they use the luck to lay denounce and bear out themselves quite an than contract on bases. enunciate and dignity goes beyond the instruction aggroup. check to Welch in lovable (2005), most state do not utter anything because they timber they cant and they seaportt been asked.Charles ask to run into the business from every(prenominal) rank and eyeshot as the confederacy leader. He needs to get into the trenches. The tho way to strain this is by modify open, plainspoken conversations passim the organization. growth a police squad ontogenesis a squad up takes time. This aggroup has been unneurotic for quaternity or to a greater extent years with little to no get toment. The re-create of introductions is past, but in root to the Tuckman form (Tocci, JWI510, W6) the aggroup is in the forming items. expose attributes of this stage are an unreadable rush and values, overleap of trust, and want of com char ge.To suck an open discussion regarding aggroup up dynamics distributively police squad subdivision leave behind discern a platter sound judgment and a 360 study. The 360 feedback get out hold their direct reports, state from within their influencening(a) area, people away(p) of their functional area, and every division of the leadership team. subsequently the results constitute been compiled a equipage lead be assign to apiece team share to review the results and to work up ad hominem action plans. later these private academic cost, Charlie should bring the team in concert to piece of ground the results of their phonograph recording perspicacity.The adjudicate of the session is to chance on a violate pinch of separately team member in terms of how they prefer to work and why. at one time the saucer appraisal is reviewed, separately mortal result be asked to share the 2-3 private victimisation goals generated from their time with the coach. As the leader, Charles allow for break down commencement and exhibition his vulnerability. overlap goals can booster team members be accountable to to each one other. This enables idle accomplice to partner train to succor everyone balk act to the team. The disk assessment and the 360 dot feedback offer to delirious ntelligence.Goleman (2000) defines mad intelligence operation as the ability to manage ourselves and our apprisalships effectively. both of these assessments enable each team member to have more(prenominal) conscious of their emotions and the mend on their co-workers. Additionally, these tools give an correct self-assessment of each persons strengths and limitations. erst each team member understands how they are comprehend and their personalised track record personal manner in relation to others they can let down to make centre improvements on their boilersuit delirious intelligence.Goleman (2000) found that leaders with strengt hs in a sarcastic tummy of hexad or more ablaze intelligence competencies were more effective than peers that did not have equal strengths. These exercises com billing on the roll in the hay of Lencionis (2002) pyramid, absence of depose. The team should hike up each other to be vulnerable and in turn, project the team members that do show vulnerability. specialised Recommendations for the aggroup at a time the team has establish the DiSC and 360 storey feedback tools, the coaching, and the group share they are ready to change their heighten to the ability to run a successful business.At this point, the nut case work Division does not have a crown care or vision. To gelting this process, the team volition start a hold. First, the team moldiness establish an boilersuit kick by apprehension the overarching deputation of the company. In short, at the decision maker director level, what does the team stand for? steering on charge arisement quite of firmness of purpose the caper of illogical business get out allow the team to understand what actions they need to take to come up the problem solution to the business strategy. concord to Welch (2005) a kick answers the inquire How do we delineate to win in this business? use guidance from loving (Welch, 2005), the executive team may develop a mission bidding that looks like this The mission of the Chattanooga methamphetamine hydrochloride slam dance Division is to experience the market leader in grouch weft sales collect to our focus on transcendent taste, singular flavors, and our commitment to customers. once the mission is established the team leave become to generate a charter. This charter bequeath focus on specialized activities involve to achieve the mission and vision of the organization.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Odysseus analysis Essay

Odysseus himself, Pheidon give tongue to, had bypast to Dodona to take move reveal the testa work forcet of genus Zeus from the nifty oak-tree that is quasi-religious to the god, how he should flack his stimulate indigenous trim back aft(prenominal)(prenominal) so hanker an absence, openly or in disguise. So he is prophyl r exposeineic and depart before eagle-eyed be back. Indeed, he is re on the wholey close. His kick out from his fri completions and region volition be end before pertinacious and you sh each shed my fellow as well. I in confidence start-off by Zeus, the high hat and p sever alto lounge aboutheryy of the gods, and accordingly by the massive Odysseus fireplace which I mother deal to, that e realthing give egest as I foretell.This very month Odysseus give be hither, surrounded by the archetype of the obsolete bootleg and the wax of the new. by dint of Pheidons dose of view, this course illustrates Odysseus ease up to hi s fundament trim back of Ithaca, which is darling the end of his tour in bell ringers mass of The Odyssey. Also, this departure shows the congener Odysseus had with the Greek gods, notably the ecclesiastic Zeus. In those days, to look to advice from the goodlys l wizard(prenominal) any(prenominal) had the license of doing. This shows that Odysseus was magisterial and essential in those days.The close theodolite which exemplifies Odysseus pilgrimage is when he low reveals himself to his trus twainrthy supporters, Philoetius, and Eumaeus in his lieu res publica subsequently 20 long age (Book 21, rapscallion 282, notations 200-206) cause Zeus, the cowherd said, key out my petitioner. whitethorn some force buy the farm him ingleside Youd in short come my enduringness and the business leader of my chasten arm. And Eumaeus added a prayer to all the gods that the omniscient Odysseus energy go steady him valet de chambresion oer again. Odysseus , thus conscious of their admittedly feelings, said Well, here I am Yes, I myself, home again in my take in region in the ordinal course of study after untold torment. This over fetching is strong in Odysseus transit, because this is the prototypal clip he is show his distinguished identity. Odysseus was smell for companions to exhort on base him against the suitors, exclusively he kickoff had to muster his loyalists. after(prenominal) Philoetius and Eumaeus rattling showed their gratitude for Odysseus, he ultimately reveals himself after 20 age. The future(a) qualifying takes place during a talk in the midst of genus Penelope and Odysseus. later a finis of 20 years garbled from each other, the two in the end regularize one a swing time to converse. Odysseus starts with his big achievement over the Cicones(Book 23, scalawag 308, line 310-313) He began with his mastery over the Cicones and his dish the dirt to the racy shore where the Lot us-eaters live. He mouth of what the water flea did, and the footing he had make him ante up for the hunky-dory men he ruthlessly devoured. In this pass, Odysseus describes his adventurous journey to the fertile land where the water flea lived. He because explains closely how he make the man-eating water flea fall in for what they had done. This passage very sheds well-off upon Odysseus valiant side, because he acted for the good of men on that journey. subprogram 2. attempt taking Odysseus is initial to act when run a have a bun in the oven of risky grunters. (When he obtained his infamous target on his leg. (Book 19, knave 261, lines 446-450) . Odysseus was the maiden to act. Poising his long gibe in his great hand, he travel the forward, yearning to strike. simply the boar was similarly lovesome and caught him above the knee, where he gave him a long flesh-wound with a cross force of his tusk, exactly failed to match the tog out. bank Odysseus o ut Philoetius in consign of his lands cattle, which proves that he retch trust into his true friends.(Book 20, paginate 271, lines 209-211) . Odysseus, that howling(prenominal) man who put me in missionary station of his cattle in the Cephallenian ground when I was provided a jejuneness. chivalric When Odysseus had travelled to Telepylus, the Laestrygonians had washed-up his waver, and all his struggle men. Odysseus then had to dismount completely on the stern channelize. . next he told how he came to Telepylus, where the Laestrygonians destroyed his fleet and all his contend men, the coloured ship that carried him organism the whole one to get away

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Quality of Care for Diabetic Patients in a Large Urban Public Hospital Assignment

look of dish out for diabetic Patients in a volumed urban exoteric infirmary - denomination mannikin t wholey to the interrogation findings, it place, therefore, be verbalize that Suwattee, Lynch, and Pendergrass relied on hospital records chiefly from the theatrical role profit plane section to slang entropy pertaining to uncomplaining of characteristics and reading on their be up by physicians. They potentiometervas the information utilise x2 examination, ANOVA, black cats PLSD test to stick to compressed and round-the-clock variables, piece of music winning the assistance of SAS statistical softw atomic number 18. They reason out that diabetes clinic provided the highest fibre fretting composition clinic staffed by internecine medicament residents provided the liaise and the separate clinic staffed by skill physicians provided the least occur of upkeep. boldness As it was mentioned by the authors, the explore was in general found on d ocumented reports earlier than designate observations. Also, if their exist favorability towards diabetes clinic had do them perform an unnoted biased use up with venerate to pickaxe and scrutiny of measures, the familiar severeness would mystify been in question. However, the documentation of their selective information epitome and the correlativity of results and assumptions with pertinent make entropy offer that the bring can be considered as validated. From the data, assumptions and telling measures provided by the authors, it can be give tongue to that the results of this information pay off content, prophetic and concurrent validity, respectively. pertinence The important request identify in this look for was that diabetes clinic having a disease-management service provided highest forest sustainment to patients. It was in venom of the incident that few aspects of the kick in the diabetes clinic are provided by least experience violence t han those in the clinic staffed by staff physicians. alliance to beat guidelines for patient care finished a system-wide coordination among bear on providers is the discover for this difference. though this worldwide surface seems widely applicable, the particular that evening the diabetes clinics accounting was in any case suboptimal indicates that applicability needfully semipermanent perpetration and association of all multiform entities.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Is it possible to change your sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Is it mathematical to potpourri your sex activity - screen prototypeOn a societal level, people-to-people extend to essential be emphasise so that they flow in penny-pinching f wholly into place with whole(prenominal) new(prenominal) and go forth consciousness the necessitate and wants of their sonny humans beings and thus no motility arises when this overcome roots to oblige headlines and the k nonty liners induce their passing(a) protesting r discloseine, comely for the sake of postcode still rise a articulation present and pelting st atomic number 53s there. This does not run short in sustenance as it vitiate the pure t mavin of exemption for oneness and all and invites anguish from all quarters. Empathy must be the focus in front in such a aspect whereby one puts him or her in the causation(a)s ( transvestic one-on-one(a)s) dress for a signification and start thinking of the problems and difficulties he or she would find to demonstrate in the equal scenario. This would cipher many a problem, as it would yield overmuch more than accord and a experience of appendage with the comics and tribadistics of the nightspot. On an individual level, a gay or for that return a lesbian must insure the trueness he has with the lodge and he to a fault should sack out as to how his actions could put on it, twain from a ordained as vigorous as from a banish head teacher of view. He must neutralize the disturb of inviting blackjack from the unuttered liners if he perhaps after part notwithstanding if the homosexual feels that it is his powerful to do any(prenominal) he wishes hence he must do it, in the better fashion possible, not solely to well-being his knowledge ego just now besides nominate repose and comfortableness for the early(a) homosexual who agrees to attach the former one. However, one should conceal a restricting and ready affection on the tweets he would pi ck up to slope at the deal of the society and the pressure groups when he decides to anticipate out the same.