Sunday, August 25, 2019

I want a wife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

I want a wife - Essay Example In today’s society, the role of the wife is the most important of the family as the woman is the primary caregiver of the children and the main one who ensures the family stays organized and intact. All of these are pertinent points that this essay has included in its structure. From a modern day mother and wife’s stand point, the article by Brady is totally off the concept of what a wife’s position in the family is in the 20th century. If the type of mentality towards women and wives in general was implied today as it apparently was back in the 70’s, it would leave many women in an utter outrage because a wife/mothers’ role is far more than waiting on a husbands every need, hand and foot. Brady depicted wives as almost slaves in the article, insinuating women had one sole purpose and that was to cater to a man or husband, if you will. There is no equality found in this piece of literature, and for wives today there is no logical association for women of the 20th century to identify with. Times have definitely changed and it’s obvious that they have been progressing for the better, for women, through the decades. From a feminist perspective, the description of wives in the article is inadequate and although it might hold some what of a historical perception of how wives roles use to be considered, it simply is not a viable assumption now. However, when looking back into the mid 1900’s, the wife’s role was basically one in which it was expected that she would be a homemaker and tend to all the areas that had any type of bearing on caring for the children, schedule keeping, keeping the home in order, and paying considerable consideration to her husband and his needs. Beyond that, there was no expectation for the wife to work outside the hoe since it was the common idea that the husband would be the bread winner, and take care of all the more pertinent aspects of

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